Friday, May 15, 2020

Cuneiform Images And Images - 1214 Words

â€Å"Emojis are Unicode graphic symbols, used as a shorthand to express concepts and ideas†(Kralj). Emoticons are basically little pictures that are sent through different types of messaging systems to express emotion after or before the sender types what he/she is saying. On the other hand, hieroglyphics were drawings that were strictly one type of communication. â€Å"The ancient Egyptians expressed their ideas in writing by means of a large number of picture signs which are commonly called hieroglyphics†(Budge1). These pictures were drawn to express emotion, sound, and description, that told the comprehender what the writing was saying. Hieroglyphics and emoticons were both pictures that displayed a message, but hieroglyphics were more complicated than emoticons. Hieroglyphics were strictly pictures that represented writing, therefore they had to be really elaborate to create no confusion as to what the drawings were saying. However, emoticons are very simple symbols that display emotions and objects. They are simple because when a writer is using them it is either supported with words or what the writer is trying to convey is so simple that an emoticon can be enough to get the message across. â€Å"Emojis on smartphones, in chat, and email applications have become extremely popular worldwide.†(Kralj) As time progresses, it is possible that emoticons can become more elaborate, such as hieroglyphics were to become more independent in communication. By comparing hieroglyphicsShow MoreRelatedImportant Inventions Of Ancient History915 Words   |  4 Pagesthe wheel in use. [{Image src= 1280px-ur_chariot.jpg alt= wheel caption= An ancient Sumerian depiction of a wheeled battle cart. }] So the Sumerian civilization was on to something, because they also came up with another important invention called __cuneiform__. Cuneiform was a system of writing in which symbols were etched into clay tablets. Cuneiform was initially based on a system of picture-like symbols, but over time it developed into an actual alphabet. Cuneiform first emerged in theRead MoreCuneiform Vs. Cuneiform : Cuneiform1199 Words   |  5 Pageslies in the uncovering of the past remains of our oldest deciphered evidence of writing: Cuneiform. Cuneiform is a style of writing that is the earliest known. The oldest archaeological evidence of it was found in the ancient city Uruk in Mesopotamia where they have unearthed nearly 4000 clay tablets. Their estimated age is dated to roughly 3000 BC; any more specific of a time frame is debated. Cuneiform was a style of writing written on clay tablets where the characters were carved into the tabletsRead MoreWriting And Mathematics, Two Vital Mesopotamian Creations1183 Words   |  5 Pagesand learning from our successes and our failures. Therfore, record keeping was crucial to the nurturing the evolution of society. With the importance of record keeping being recognized, the Mesopotamians developed Cuneiform, the first recognized form of writing.. Initially, Cuneiform, meaning â€Å"wedge shaped†, existed as pictographs drawn in clay tablets by a stylus made of a reed. The tablet was baked in the sun making it practically indestructible. (World History book 7th editi on) There were disadvantagesRead MoreThe Invention Of Writing Is A Fundamental Pillar Of Human Interaction879 Words   |  4 Pages(Amos, 2012, BBC News). With caves plotted all over Europe baring accurate depictions of various animals, it is believed that these images were used as a means of communication that resembled not only painted creatures but unspoken thought. These petroglyphs are up for interpretation from modern day observations but coupled with context that was 40,000 years ago, the images may of been vital to survival as they revealed information of the local surroundings. This was not only the birth of drawn art butRead MoreEssay about The Assyrian Winged Protective Deity and Gilgamesh657 Words   |  3 PagesA piece of art can leave distinct impressions with the viewer. The Assyrian Winged Protective Deity provides a plethora of stimulants for the eye. The relief emulates brute strength and power through the overall stature of the figure. The cuneiform writing abo ve the relief greatly influenced the impression a viewer can receive through its narration about the figure. Other than Gilgamesh and the Assyrian Winged Protective Deity both being from Mesopotamia, they have numerous similarities. The AssyrianRead MoreThe Mesopotamian Social Classes And How It Had Affected The Education Back There1585 Words   |  7 Pagesto learn. The writing form was called cuneiform which implies wedge-molded. They composed it on dirt and utilized instruments to cut it. There were more than 600 characters that learners needed to remember keeping in mind the end goal to have the capacity to recorder. Unless they made a great work, learners would get rebuffed by being whipped. learners additionally learned cuneiform numbers. It more likely than not been hard since 1 and 60 were a similar image. They utilized 10 as a base, much theRead MoreSimilarities Between Mesopotamian And Ancient Mesopotamia1628 Words   |  7 Pagesorganized into a systematic pantheon, compete with major and minor deities. It was accustom to show images of a city-states patron deity however, that soon began to change. Epic of Gilgamesh The reason for this change was very simple one. During this time period the Epic of Gilgamesh was sweeping Mesopotamia. It is was written some time between 2750 and 2500 BCE, and was wrote on 12 clay tablets in cuneiform script. Epic of Gilgamesh, is an epic about a semi-mythic king from the city of Uruk. Gilgamesh’sRead MoreComparison of Ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian Art1418 Words   |  6 Pagesof Lagash. Headless and sitting very upright on what appears to be a stool (as opposed to a thrown), the statue stands roughly at 25 tall, nearly life size. He is dressed in a kaunakes, or thick cloak, with his right shoulder left bare and cuneiform inscriptions covering both the skirt of the cloak and the stool. The hands, with elongated fingers, are clasped as if praying, and his bare feet also with elongated digits, are resting together. On his lap sits a temple plan drawn on a tablet. EvenRead MoreThe Chinese Writing System2184 Words   |  9 Pagesinto the clay tablets to make a like image of the coins in the form of raised symbols on the clay; the coins used to identify farming and manufacturing goods were then used to create a new format to be drawn on the clay tablets with a tool called a stylus. The marks left on the clay by using the stylus had a wedge-shaped appearance which is how these images received the name of â€Å"cuneiform† meaning wedge-writing. The earliest known implementation of cuneiform to symbolize sounds produced by theRead MoreThe Influential Book of the Bible886 Words   |  4 Pagesthe glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man. If there was ever a quote that described the religion of the Sumerians it is this one stated by Paul. The Sumerians were polytheistic humans. Instead of believing in God they believed in many gods and to them they gave human characteristics. Although God created man in His own spiritual and personal image, the Sumerians rejected God and made gods in their own physical image (Fisher 22). It was once said that the Sumerian

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