Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms And Symptoms - 1390 Words

This research of bipolar disorder will not only describe in detail the symptoms and affects of this mood disorder, but it will also include the advantages, disadvantages of the treatment and medications, and the major role that medications take. Bipolar disorder involves periods of elevated or irritable mood (mania), alternating with episodes of depression (Moore and Jefferson, 2004). The â€Å"mood swings† of mania and depression are very sudden and can happen at anytime any place. Bipolar disorder is categorized by the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) into two different types: Bipolar Type I and Bipolar Type II. Bipolar type I used to be diagnosed as manic depression, however, people with bipolar disorder type I†¦show more content†¦People with bipolar disorder can experience a long-lasting mood change rather than multiple episodes of depression or mania. According to Moore and Jefferson in the â€Å"Handbook of Medical Psychiatry,† symptoms of mania or a manic episode include the following: a long period of feeling â€Å"high,† or an overly happy or outgoing mood, extremely irritable or agitated, inflated self-esteem (delusions or false beliefs), little need for sleep, poor temper control, and reckless behavior (binge eating, drinking/drug use, impaired judgment, sexual promiscuity, spending sprees). Symptoms of depression or a depressive episode include: a long period of feeling worried, daily low mood, difficulty in remembering or concentrating, eating disturbances, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, loss of self-esteem, persistent sadness, thoughts of death or suicide, and withdrawal from activities or friends you ve once enjoyed (Moore and Jefferson, 2004). Bipolar disorder affects both men and women equally, and it usually appears between the ages of 15-25 (Moore and Jefferson, 2004). However, bipolar does seem to be genetic, and they re researchers who are studying the genes that may increase a person s chance of developing the illness. Children with a parent or sibling who has bipolar disorder are four to six times more likely to develop the illness, compared with children who do not have a family

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