Friday, December 27, 2019

Out Out by Robert Frost - 548 Words

Robert Frost is the author of Out Out--, â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, and Nothing Gold can Stay. His literary work communicates deep meaning through the use of metaphoric language and deception. Being raised most of his life on a farm; his works perceive the natural life of a normal person while out in nature. â€Å"Frost believes that the emphasis on everyday life allows him to communicate with his readers more clearly; they can empathize with the struggles and emotions that are expressed in his poems and come to a greater understanding of ‘Truth’ themselves† (Robert Frost: Poems Themes). The poem Out Out--, is about life and how it could end at any moment by death. Thus, the title is known to have come from a scene in Macbeth, â€Å"The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!† (23; Macbeth). With this poem, Frost emphasizes death as a result of the everyday life on a farm as a young boy, who by accident or with the lack of attention ha s severed his hand, lost too much blood, and died. Like a candle being blown out, death can become us at any moment of our everyday lives. In Robert Frost’s poem Nothing Gold can Stay, the theme is also about death like it also is in Out Out—, as well. Yet, this poem emphasizes more about the transience of life rather than the suddenness of life ending. â€Å"Nothing Gold can Stay† is about the appreciation for the golden days while the cycle of life continues and death becomes of each and every one of us. The theme of Out Out, also has toShow MoreRelatedOut, Out by Robert Frost782 Words   |  3 Pages Robert Frosts poem â€Å"Out, Out,† paints a strange and bizarre death image to readers; A young boys death due to a carnivorous chainsaw who sought blood, slicing the boys hand off. Robert makes readers understand why he would paint such a tragic accident with various narrative elements, such as personification, many signs of imagery, emotions, and perceptions throughout the story. Also, Frost references William Shakespeare’s work, â€Å"Macbeth.† This gives readers who have read Macbeth before, an ideaRead MoreAnalysis Of Out, Out By Robert Frost727 Words   |  3 PagesIn Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Out, Out† an overwhelming theme of agony can be sensed as Frost incorporates his personal experiences with loss and his views on society into the narrative of this literary work. Frost uses the depiction of innocence through a young boy who suffers a fatal accident to metaphorically embed his personal struggles with the death of his two children into the poem. The section of the poem that will be analyzed is the final ten lines (25-34). 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The title of the poem leaves the reader to substitute the last word of the title, which some would assume would be out because of the repetition. The title is referring to the boy exiting the living world. Frost drags the readers mind into the poem with the imagistic description of the tools and atmosphere the little boy is surrounded by. Frost describesRead More Appeal of Robert Frosts Out Out Essay1055 Words   |  5 Pagesinteresting and appealing poems is Robert Frost’s â€Å"Out, Out†. The poem has the ability to make the reader visualize an event in vivid detail without making it into a short story. The poem depicts a very dramatic scene and makes it seem as if the reader is really there. Poems are generally thought to be about love and feelings, but some poems can actually be like a short story; these are called narrative poems, which means that they tell a story. 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