Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Pidgins and Creoles Essay Example for Free

Pidgins and Creoles Essay Note to the Customer I’m sorry the essay cannot be revised as you say. It was an urgent order, so books could not be found. Moreover, you didn’t say that you wanted a critical analysis of the pidgins and Creoles. Revisions are only possible if the writer fails to follow the original instructions. In your next order please mention that you would like books to be used, and whether the discussion should be descriptive or analytical. Best regards, Pidgins and Creoles A pidgin is defined as a language that has been simplified from at least two different languages.    Referred to as a contact language, a pidgin may be used by those who do not originate in a given geographical area and must therefore develop a common language to be spoken in the area.   All the same, pidgin is used sparingly.   Its structure is rather simplistic.   Seeing that it serves a â€Å"simplistic purpose,† a pidgin dies out rather easily (Pidgins and Creoles, 1997). If people manage to use a pidgin for a long time, however, the contact language is expected to become richer and more complex in terms of vocabulary and structure.   In that case, the pidgin is said to have evolved.   Children may learn the evolved pidgin as their very first language or mother tongue.   If this happens, the pidgin has managed to turn into a Creole.   An example of a Creole is Tok Pisin, a language of Papua New Guinea, which was a pidgin before it turned into a national language (Pidgins and Creoles, 1997). Stafford notes that pidgins and Creoles are mostly used in third world nations because of the dramatic changes in the social and political environment experienced by the communities there.   Moreover, most of the pidgins and Creoles in the developing regions, for example, in South East Asia, are based on languages of Europe.   English, French, and Spanish are very much associated with the pidgins and Creoles of the third world.   This is because Europeans had spent time a great deal of time in the developing world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pidgins are often created for communication between immigrants and natives or missionaries and locals (Stafford).   As the pidgin evolves, the contact language develops its own grammatical rules.   Typically it is the children who must get together to formulate grammatical rules for the pidgin that they have accepted as their first language.   The fact that the Creole is generally formed without the influence of adults reveals that the formulation of grammatical rules and the application of structure to a certain language is innate behavior (Pidgin and Creole).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Insufficient education† is another reason why people of a certain region may have to develop a pidgin, and subsequently a Creole, so as to communicate with a new group of people they have come into contact with (Pidgin and Creole).   It is estimated that between ten to fifteen million people in the world speak languages that are considered creolized.   As an example, Creole based on French is spoken by seven million people in the world. These people may be found in Haiti, the French Overseas Departments of Guadeloupe, Mauritius, Martinique, Guyana, Reunion, Dominica, St. Lucia, and many islands of the Caribbean that have been influenced by the British, in addition to southwestern Louisiana (Mauritian Creole, 2005).   In the case of the pidgins that were created by these people, most probably to communicate with the Europeans they had come into contact with; French was considered the superstrate language.   If there were minority languages that contributed to the creation of a pidgin, the languages were referred to as subtrate languages (Pidgins and Creoles, 1997).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Regardless of the kinds of languages that were used in the creation of pidgins and Creoles, the fact remains that human beings have an essential need to communicate with one another.   Human beings do not appreciate invaders, so therefore people in the third world had by and large rejected the presence of the colonialists.   Nevertheless, they had to learn to communicate with the people who had become dominant on their lands.   Whether they had to communicate with the foreigners because the latter controlled their economic resources or otherwise, it may be inferred from this discussion that pidgins and Creoles would be created for as long as human civilization exists on earth.   Man is a social animal, after all. References Mauritian Creole. (2005). Pidgins and Creoles. Retrieved Dec 1, 2007, from Patrick, P. L. (2004, Nov 14). Pidgin and Creole Languages: Origin and Relationships. Intro Sociolinguistics. Retrieved Dec 1, 2007, from Pidgin and Creole. Retrieved Dec 1, 2007, from Pidgins and Creoles. Retrieved Dec 1, 2007, from http://www.uni- Pidgins and Creoles. (1997, Feb 25). Retrieved Dec 1, 2007, from Stafford, A. Pidgins and Creoles. Retrieved Dec 1, 2007, from

Monday, January 20, 2020

Norma Rae and A Respectable Trade :: Films Movies

Norma Rae and A Respectable Trade In this essay I shall compare the two economic systems of capitalism and slavery within the context of films, Norma Rae and A Respectable Trade. In the film Norma Rae, workers in a textile mill attempt to form a union with the leadership of a disgruntled employee named Norma Rae. In a Respectable Trade, a woman of the aristocracy marries a slave trader named Josiah when she comes to realize that her time spent in her uncle's estate must come to an end due to the social aspirations of her aunt and that because she has no talent as a governess she has very few options left. This series, from the book of the same name, is about the relationship between her (Frances) and her slave, Mehuru from Oyo in addition to being about the several other interpersonal and economic relationships occurring within the system of slavery in 18th century Bristol. In Norma Rae, the equipment and other resources necessary for textile production in the town were owned by the textile company. The majority of the population did not have any control over the productive resources necessary for the development of enterprises. This is consistent with capitalism where there is a concentration of control over productive resources by a small subset of society, in this case the textile mill. In a Respectable Trade, the aristocracy had majority control over the means for production. It was only through them that the merchants could for example get the monetary means to expand business or start out if they were not fortunate enough to have inherited some means of trade as Josiah and Sara did. The common folk of Bristol, England did not control the means by which they could have started their own businesses. Here too, the control over productive resources is concentrated in the hands of the few. So we see that slavery shares this quality with capitali sm and as yet I have not cited any unique properties of these two class processes. One important and defining difference between the two though is that in slavery, human beings also constitute a productive resource that can be bought and sold and done with as one would a piece of furniture. Capitalist and Slave Economic Systems have singular ways of resolving the question of how to get workers to labor.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Introduction to Business Finance Essay

Used when a business wishes to buy a good. It lets the business supplier know the requirements of the company making the order. The form will include both purchaser and supplier contact details, along with an order and reference number. It will also show the quantity required, descriptions and prices. This will be the beginning of the process. It will be processed by the business, who will then get the order ready for dispatch. The use of these is an ongoing process. Delivery Note The delivery note is used by the business who is providing the goods. It gives the purchaser a list of all the products they will be receiving. It details any goods that are unavailable. It will also state the relevant order and reference number. This follows the purchase order in the sequence of events. Again, this is a document that is used in an ongoing process. Goods Received Note This document is sent from the buyer to the seller. It gives both businesses a record of what goods have actually been received. The businesses can use it as a check with the purchase order, delivery note and with their stock levels. This document will follow the delivery of goods. The buyer will check through all received and then produce the document. Invoice An invoice is a document that shows a business what payment is required. It gives all the details of the goods ordered and delivered, including the quantity and the price. It will also show any discounts, and if any VAT is being charged. This again will have the relevant reference and order numbers. Invoices are sent to businesses once delivery has occurred. Usually, invoices are sent on a regular basis. Credit / Debit Notes This will reduce the amount the buyer owes the seller. If payment has not been received, the buyer pays less, or the note can be used with future purchases. Reasons for this includes: * The business has been overcharged on the invoice. * There has been an error on the invoice e. g. the prices. * When damaged, faulty or unsuitable goods are returned. This will follow the invoice. The document will be sent after either the buyer or seller has highlighted the error or fault. Statements of Account sent by the Business The seller will send this document on a regular basis. It highlights to the buyer the current situation of their account. It will show what payments have been received and how much the business still owes. It also records all the invoices and credit notes the buyer has been sent. This is an ongoing process. It will occur on a regular basis – often monthly. It does not specifically follow the issue of any other document. Remittance Slips Advice The buyer sends this document to the seller advising that payment is being made to them. If the buyer is paying an invoice by cheque, they will usually include this with the remittance advice. These will be used on a regular basis. They will always follow the invoice. Cheques Businesses that have accounts with banks or building societies will be issued with a cheque system. A cheque is a method of payment for the buyer and seller to use. Usually, the buyer will write a cheque to make payments according to an Invoice or the amount on the Statement of Account. It is a safe method of payment, as it can be sent through the post and only the payee can use the cheque. These will be used on a regular basis. They will always follow the purchase and the business receiving its goods. It may be sent after the Invoice has been received or after the Statement of Account.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Fossil Fuel And Alternative Sources Of Energy - 1218 Words

Energy Policy Jameisha Lyttle Gwynedd Mercy University Abstract The United States government, as well as many others around the world, have relied on fossil fuel as an energy source for a long period of time. The extraction, production, and development of these sources have contributed to the many issues with the environment. In addition to this, fossil fuel will not exist forever because there is a limited amount on earth and it cannot be restored. For this reason, the United states should consider substituting fossil fuel with alternative sources of energy. Switching to alternative source may save the Earth and may pose as a more sustainable source of energy. Although fossil fuels have been relied on for†¦show more content†¦Alternative energy sources can be a sufficient replacement for fossil fuel because some forms of alternative energy are recyclable and may be safer for the environment. For example, wind energy does not cause any types of pollutants that can damage the health of people all over the world. Wind Energy may be created by machines called wind turbines, that look like plane propellers on a long and steep pole. The blowing winds are able to turn its propellers to provide energy for an electric generator that distributes electric currents. These wind turbines have the strength to provide energy for any small or large business all over the world (National Geographic, n.d.). Another form of alternative energy that may provide a safer environment than fossil fuels has is solar energy. When solar energy panels are hit by a ray of sun, the material produces an electrical charge that can be transferred through a circuit to anything that is powered by electricity (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). These two alternative forms of energy can produce large quantities of power by using the Earth’s natural resources. This may lead to less pollution as well as protection of the Earth’s landscape in the future. In the United States, many citizens have agreed that alternative energy sources may serve as a safer form of power. For example, a team of students from Harvard