Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A case study of The body shop free essay sample

In today’s world, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been one of the topics that every company must be concerned with. It is usually viewed as a legal obligation for every company to create social benefits alongside with the profit gains (Peng and Meyer 2011, p. 297). CSR is a crucial factor for our society and environment. If there is no campaign to encourage us to save our planet, how can people be aware and know theirs obligation to save the world. This paper will explain the meaning of corporate social responsibility, advantages and disadvantages of CSR through the example of The Body Shop. In addition, it will discuss why it is important to modern businesses. The meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility has changed since the early 20th century and it has never been a straightforward. The importance of CSR arose with the role of leadership, how a leader can manage the company with an ethical approach to society and what can be done for the environment. We will write a custom essay sample on A case study of The body shop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, the focus of CSR has changed the behavior of organizations, not the role of leadership anymore. It created a debate about what companies should do for society. Subsequently, the structure of CSR places less stress on organizational behaviours and more on the responsibility (Blowfield and Murray 2011, p. 7). However, the most well-known and accepted model of CSR is Carroll four-part model, which he defined as â€Å" CSR includes the economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic expectations placed on organization by society at a given point of time† (Carroll 2009, cited in Crane and Matten 2010, p. 53). Moreover, the case of The Body Shop’s CSR is discussed as four-part model as an example. Firstly, economic responsibility, it is a basic responsibility of a business and The Body Shop has done very well on this area. Customers can be ensured a fair price with good quality because the products are made from natural ingredients. Staff is not trained to pressure customers to buy the products, but to be advised. Secondly, legal responsibility, products of The Body Shop have been made from natural ingredients. So, the company has complied by law, which is product safety and health regulation. Thirdly, ethical responsibility, against animal testing policy is a main strategy of The Body Shop to differentiate their brands. The company has requested their suppliers to sign a declaration that there is no animal testing. Lastly, philanthropic responsibility, the product packages are made from recycled materials in order to maximize waste and encourage the society in sustaining environment. (The Body Shop International Plc. 2011) Corporate Social Responsibility is generally perceived only from the positive side as it creates awareness and stimulates people to act for our society and environment. However, there is negative side as well. To begin with advantages of CSR, it helps to improve company reputation when the company sets up a new policy about CSR as a core value. It causes customers to become more loyal because the company is responsible for the environment and better customer relations because it is a trust between customers and the company. Once the trust is built, when the company does something wrong, customers might not assume that is an intentional mistake. Nevertheless, CSR has not all been beneficial. It also creates higher expenses as the company needs to buy new equipment that is environmentally friendly and shareholder resistance because some investor requires the company to be in the spot light of CSR to obtain higher profits (Dontigency n. d. ),(Kielmas n. d. ). In the case of The Body Shop, it has helped The Body Shop to improve company reputation as it became a well-known company by differentiating their products from others while the disadvantage aspect is that the company has held high expectations for shareholders and customers. So there are several criticisms about the core value of company (Mallin 2009, pp. 59-78). Many companies have implemented CSR in their company. One of the leading companies that adopted CSR as a pioneer of ethic is The Body Shop. The company has used CSR as a competitive strategy in order to succeed in business. The shop owner knows what she does best. So, products are developed based on a specific group of customers in order to create a strong brand preferences and unique way with a perception of enormous customer groups, called sustainability ideals. The source of The Body Shop success is to utilize the benefits of CSR by selling products based on natural ingredients, paying a fair price and no testing on animal. According to porter (1985), he claimed that sustainability of differentiation depends on two things: it is continued perceived value to buyers and the lack of competitor ability to imitate it (Porter 1985 cited in Mallin 2009, p. 71). It requires a transparency of work process with stakeholders. From this example, it explains why CSR is important to modern businesses like The Body Shop (Mallin 2009, pp. 59-78),(Kwapong 2005, p. 89). Furthermore, there are several reasons why CSR is critical to modern business such as attracting and retaining employees, attracting socially responsible companies and reducing business costs. To start with attracting and retaining employees, it stimulates workers to increase commitments and productivities. Employees would feel meaningful by working for ethical company. In the second place, it helps to attract socially responsible companies. When the company promotes new innovative products that are environmentally friendly, it gives customers a good reason to buy products from this company. It means companies can gain competitive advantage by differentiating from others. Lastly, business costs is reduced when the company uses recycling material and conserving energy (Taylor 2009). To summarize, Corporate Social Responsibility is an obligation for companies to save our planet while it also gains benefits from society. Nonetheless, CSR not only has advantages, but also disadvantages. The company should be aware that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and understand why CSR is so important to modern business. The case of The Body Shops CSR is discussed as an example to understand more details. CSR is a critical issue that every company must be concerned about. So the company should find the effective strategies that match their circumstances in order to obtain the highest benefit from society while creating benefits as well.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Chem Essay

Chem Essay Chem Essay All matter is made up of atoms. An atom is like a tiny solar system. In the center of the atom is the nucleus which is a cluster of protons and neutrons. The protons have a positive electric charge while the neutrons are electrically neutral. The nucleus makes up almost all of an atom's mass or weight. Whirling at fantastic speeds around the nucleus are smaller and lighter particles called electrons which have a negative electric charge. . The protons have a positive electric charge while the neutrons are electrically neutral. The nucleus makes up almost all of an atom's mass or weight. Whirling at fantastic speeds around the nucleus are smaller and lighter particles called electrons which have a negative electric charge. An atom has the same number of electrons with positive charge and negative charge. An extremely powerful force, called the nuclear force, holds the protons together in the nucleus as they naturally repelled one another electrically. The atoms of each chemica l element have a different nucleus. An atom of hydrogen has one proton and no neutrons. An atom of nitrogen has 7 protons and 7 neutrons. Heavy elements have a large number of protons and neutrons. For example, the most common isotope of uranium, uranium-238 has 92 protons and 146 neutrons in its nucleus. Protons are positively charged and so would be deflected on a curving path towards the negative plate. Electrons are negatively charged and so would be deflected on a curving path towards the positive plate. Neutrons don't have a charge, and so would continue on in a straight line. Isotopes are atoms which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers. They have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. The electrons are found at considerable distances from the nucleus in a series of levels called energy levels. Each energy level can only hold a certain number of electrons. Atomic theory, first put in a quantitative conceptual framework by Joh n Dalton, and quantum theory, which emerged in the 1920s as a result of the work of Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrà ¶dinger, and Max Planck, are the cornerstones of our present-day view on atomic structure. Atomic theory holds that matter consists of vast numbers of small particles called atoms which combine together to form molecules existing in the three main states of matter as gases, liquids or solids. Thomson's experiments led him to propose a "plum-pudding" view of the atom in which a continuous distribution of positive mass extends over the size of the atom with negative "plums" of much smaller mass (i.e. electrons) inserted into it. This model was overthrown by a series of alpha particle scattering experiments carried out by Rutherford, Hans Geiger and Ernest Madden. They were able to observe back-scattering of alpha particles emitted by a piece of radium as they were being shot through a thin gold foil. The fact that alpha particles are positive and that some of them were s cattered back could only be explained by proposing that the positive charge and mass in the gold atoms making up the foil could not be continuous and had to be concentrated in a very small region and that the negative region had to be large enough to let some alpha particles through. This led to a view of the atom in which the positive nucleus is central, very dense and significantly smaller than the size of the overall atom. Modern neutron scattering experiments have shown that the radius of a nucleus is proportional to the cubic root of its mass number and that atomic radii, including electron clouds, are about twenty thousand times bigger with a spherical shape or elongated like a football. The view that electrons can be thought of as being arranged in successive shells of increasing energy around the nucleus is called the Bohr model of the atom and one of the most significant contributions of quantum theory has been to show that these energy levels are quantized. This led t o the orbital

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Social and behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social and behavior - Essay Example Ted Kramer, the main character, lands a job as an advertising executive and has no time for his family; Joanna Kramer and Billy Kramer as wife and son respectively. On the other hand, Joanna Kramer decides to walk out of the relationship in an effort to realize the person she left behind when she decided to get married. Parental duties lead to Ted’s retrenchment from the agency. He and Billy begin a new journey; with the help of Margret Phelps; another single parent. Joanna comes back to claim custody of Billy fifteen months after walking out. She is awarded custody of her son. Joanna Kramer displays the role of women in the family unit. Joanna is torn between staying with her husband and child and walking out to ‘rediscover’ herself. Her decision to walk out develops the plot whereby Ted and Billy spend time together learning how to make the right decisions. She comes back to claim her son’s custody, and this brings out a significant decision from the court. The court holds that the mother best takes care of a child. Joanna would have loved a situation whereby her husband was dedicated to the family, regardless of his job position. That way, she would not have made the decision to walk away, which can be considered rather selfish by the viewer. As a happy family, Joanna would have improved the way the two behaved in an attempt to raise their child upholding moral values. Good decisions influence behavior; hence, less selfish motives